Epoxy curing agent News Yancheng has decided to completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park!

Yancheng has decided to completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park!


<b>Yancheng has decided to completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park!  </b>

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On the 4th, Yancheng City decided to completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park, and included Chenjiagang Township in the city's pilot project of "Ten Towns and Hundred Villages" to improve the housing conditions of farmers, so as to accelerate the realization of rural revitalization . At the same time, it is necessary to draw inferences from one example and do a good job in the chemical rectification work on the market. According to the provincial chemical industry rectification and improvement plan, further improve the city's chemical parks and chemical enterprise rectification standards, and support the construction of "chemical-free zones" in various regions.

Resolutely implement the new development concept and make greater efforts to promote green transformation

Promote the construction of "chemical-free zones" in various regions with the determination of a strong man to break his wrist

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee studied and implemented the spirit of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Lou Qinjian's inspection and guidance speech in Xiangshui and the spirit of the State Council Security Committee Office and the Emergency Management Department to further strengthen the video conference on safety prevention work and the province's safety production video and telephone conference, and studied and deployed Xiangshui Dai Yuan presided over the meeting on the next stage of disposal of the "3.21" extremely serious explosion accident and the city's safe production, improvement of chemical industry improvement, transformation and development of chemical parks, etc.

On April 4th, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting to conscientiously convey the spirit of studying and implementing the speech of Secretary Lou Qinjian of the Provincial Party Committee in Xiangshui Inspection and Guidance, and the video conference of the State Council Security Committee Office and the Emergency Management Department to further strengthen security and prevention work and the province's security Produce the main spirit of the video conference, listen to the city's safety production work report in the first quarter, study and deploy Xiangshui "3.21" special major explosion accident in the next stage of disposal and the city's work safety, chemical industry improvement, transformation and development of chemical parks, etc. . Party Secretary Dai Yuan presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the painful lessons of the "3.21" explosion in Xiangshui warned us that the most urgent task before us is to insist on emancipating the mind and unifying Thinking, conscientiously practice the people-centered development idea, and actually put the new development concept into the mind, integrate it into the blood, turn it into action, and run it through all practical work without compromise. It is necessary to deeply study and understand the spirit of the speech of Secretary Lou Qinjian of the Provincial Party Committee, follow the latest deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, unswervingly follow the road of new industrialization, persevere in promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, and strive to promote high-quality development to be at the forefront of northern Jiangsu and central Jiangsu. It is necessary to closely focus on the requirements of the "six high-quality development" and closely combine the actual market conditions, coordinate the relationship between short-term goals and long-term development, environmental protection and industrial transformation, find gaps, make up for shortcomings, and strengthen and weaknesses, and unswervingly hold A blueprint is drawn to the end.

The meeting pointed out that small chemical industries with low safety factors and serious pollution problems should be completely eliminated with the will and determination of a strong man. Seriously study the comprehensive management of Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park and the city's chemical industry, completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park, and include Chenjiagang Town in the city's pilot project of "ten towns and one hundred villages" to improve the housing conditions of farmers, so as to accelerate the realization of rural revitalization. It is necessary to draw inferences from one example to do a good job in the chemical rectification work on the market. According to the provincial chemical industry rectification and improvement plan, we will further improve the rectification standards of chemical parks and chemical enterprises in our city, and support the construction of "chemical-free zones" in various regions.

The meeting emphasized that the current on-site disposal is still at a critical stage, and we must not relax because of important progress in on-site disposal. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central leaders, and continue to do a good job of rescue and disposal in a systematic, scientific and stable manner in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Adhere to the principle that time is subject to safety and progress is subject to the plan, organize and implement disposal work on the premise of clear background, clear status, and ensuring safety, so as to ensure that polluted water does not flow into the Guanhe River, and that no secondary accidents occur in the disposal of hazardous chemicals and solid waste. No personal injury occurred during disposal. We must actively and steadily do a good job in the aftermath, continue to do our best to treat the wounded, do a solid job in house repairs, and strive to enable workers who have lost their jobs to take on new positions as soon as possible, and maintain the normal production and living order of the masses. It is necessary to actively do a good job in social prevention and control, continue to do a good job in guiding public opinion, effectively strengthen the construction of rural grassroots party organizations, further strengthen on-site control and security inspections in damaged villages, and ensure overall social stability. It is necessary to actively cooperate with the accident investigation team of the State Council to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible, clarify the responsibilities, and give the people a responsible account.

The meeting emphasized that the "3.21" explosion once again used blood lessons to warn us that safe production is a "fragile product", and it has never been foolproof, only "everything is foolproof". All levels and levels of the city must firmly adhere to the red line of safety, strengthen ideological understanding, strengthen responsibility implementation, and strengthen investigation and rectification. , strictly and practically do a good job in all aspects of safety production, and resolutely and effectively prevent and curb the occurrence of various safety accidents.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent the position of Epoxy curing agent, reproduced please specify the source.https://www.dmp-30.vip/archives/10501


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