Epoxy curing agent News Yangzi Petrochemical Explosion Accident Will Affect Sinopec Butadiene Rubber Supply

Yangzi Petrochemical Explosion Accident Will Affect Sinopec Butadiene Rubber Supply


<b>Yangzi Petrochemical Explosion Accident Will Affect Sinopec Butadiene Rubber Supply</b>

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According to the police bulletin issued by the Nanjing Fire Department at 9:00 p.m. on the 12th, at 17:06 on the same day, a deflagration occurred in the chemical plant of Nanjing Yangzi Petrochemical Rubber Company, and the open fire was extinguished at 19:46. Departmental testing did not cause pollution to the surrounding environment.

Nanjing Yangzi Petrochemical Rubber Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Yangzi Petrochemical, located at No. 299, Fenghua Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing. After the accident, open flames and a lot of smoke appeared at the scene, and the surrounding roads were quickly blocked. A truck driver nearby told reporters that he heard a loud noise when the incident happened. That night, Yangzi Petrochemical made 6 rolling broadcasts through the official Weibo, and the broadcast information at 20:14 showed that after monitoring the ammonia, sulfur dioxide and other indicators at four points in the up and down wind direction around the site, there was no abnormality; The black smoke and rubber smell from the building have a certain short-term impact on the surrounding residents, which has been eliminated at present; the rainwater drain has been closed, and the fire-fighting wastewater will not affect the external environmental water body. Currently, the cause of the accident is under investigation.

The butadiene plant that caught fire this time mainly produces butadiene rubber. It is a structured synthetic rubber polymerized from butadiene. Butadiene rubber is the second largest synthetic rubber after styrene-butadiene rubber. It is suitable for the manufacture of automobile tires and cold-resistant products, as well as cushioning materials and various rubber shoes, tapes, tapes and sponge rubber.

Yangzi Petrochemical's butadiene rubber plant has a production capacity of 100,000 tons per year, producing butadiene rubber brand BR9000, with a monthly normal production capacity of about 9,000 tons, accounting for about 10%-13% of the current domestic monthly production of butadiene rubber. The supply of butadiene rubber is directly supplied to downstream rubber product enterprises. Yangzi Petrochemical originally planned to conduct a 40-day overhaul of the butadiene rubber plant in March. Sinopec Yanshan Petrochemical and Maoming Petrochemical also planned to overhaul the butadiene rubber in March, and the duration ranged from 40 to 60 days.

On the whole, the sudden situation of the butadiene plant of Yangzi Petrochemical will have an adverse impact on the production of the factory and the supply and deployment of Sinopec's butadiene supply. confirm.

According to the official website, Yangzi Petrochemical currently has 58 sets of large-scale petrochemical plants, including 12.5 million tons/year of oil refining, 800,000 tons/year of ethylene, and 1.4 million tons/year of aromatics, which can produce synthetic resin, synthetic fiber raw materials, and refined oil , synthetic rubber and more than 50 types of products. The company is a major domestic producer of pure benzene, p-xylene, o-xylene, purified terephthalic acid, ethylene oxide and other products.

Source of content: People's Daily Online, Jiemian News

This article is from the Internet, does not represent the position of Epoxy curing agent, reproduced please specify the source.https://www.dmp-30.vip/archives/11178


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